Review of Fortune’s Fall by Katherine Barger

Fortune’s Fall by Katherine Barger

My rating: 5 of 5 stars

To start off, I’m not a huge dystopian reader. I wasn’t sure what to expect when I started this book, but by the time I finished, if all dystopian books are like this, I’m a fan. And now I really, really, really need the next book!

First off, let’s talk about the characters. It was written in 1st person, and Nyssa alone had a POV. I don’t usually read books like that, but it worked really well for this one. Because she was the only one with a POV, all of the other characters were in danger of death. I won’t give any spoilers, but there were several deaths throughout. No side character was safe, which completely upped the suspense. But the relationships between the characters were great. This is marketed as a YA book, and there was hardly any romance, which was great. The tiny bits of romance were completely appropriate and just sweet. And the side characters. So good. Let me just say one name: Duncan. Yep, I love you, bud, even though you acted like a jerk sometimes. You’re still epic.

Because this was a dystopian book, I found it very interesting to see how the author dealt with the differences the future brought. Seeing all of the different technologies and a fictional world seventy years from now was really interesting. However, I wasn’t overcome with a bunch of extra descriptions or confusing technological stuff. The whole government situation was a little eerie – it was basically like Communism on steroids, and no one had any freedoms. Definitely can make you think about how the world could be in seventy years!

The plot moved along very well in this book – I just wanted to keep reading! There were many twists and turns, and you never knew what was coming next. I rooted for all of the characters, and there were some stunning betrayals and revelations that blindsided me a little bit. The writing was also well-done, presenting the story in a clear, concise way, but also relaxed enough that it matched Nyssa’s personality and age.

Finally, the themes/morals. The first half or so of the book didn’t mention the Lord, but by the end of the book, there were a lot more Christian elements. Also – though I didn’t know this during my reading – this book is based on Daniel or Nehemiah (or both.) Hence, the series title, so there’s also symbolic meanings throughout. Here’s a review by a friend that explains a lot more of the symbolic aspects of the book. I’m looking forward to seeing how the next book develops Nyssa’s relationship with the Lord.

Overall, I really enjoyed this book! It was one of those books that I kept thinking about it when I wasn’t reading it, and like I mentioned, it was such a page-turner. Those of you who are looking for a good, clean YA book, look no further! But I don’t think this book should be limited only to YA – I’m a little older than that genre caters to, and I enjoyed it greatly. I can’t wait for the next book!

Thanks so much to the author for a free copy of the book in exchange for an honest review!

3 thoughts on “Review of Fortune’s Fall by Katherine Barger

  1. Pingback: Interview: Katherine Barger, Author of The Exiles | Vanessa Hall

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