Need Some Writing Motivation?

Just last week, I blogged about the different seasons of our lives as writers – and those definitely include some times when we are unmotivated. Sometimes we just need a break, and other times, we need some accountability and companionship from other writers to help us get through these challenging days.

That’s why you should join the KDWC July 2024 Edition! 🙂 If you’re like I was when I first heard about this camp, here’s some information on it:

This camp is a gathering of Christian ladies from all over to focus on writing stories that honor God.

It was created by a group of writers who wanted a safe place for Christian ladies of all ages to connect with and encourage each other in our writing journeys without worrying about the offensive or unbiblical messages promoted by secular writing organizations.

The camp is run on Slack. (Each participant must create a simple account.) There are separate channels in which to chat with fellow writers, participate in writing sprints, get help on your story, and encourage each other. All information such as emails are kept private, and participants may use pen names if they so desire.

Every “camper” is divided into “tents” and each “tent” has an older, mature young lady counselor known as an “Auntie” who will be there if anyone needs anything, to encourage, answer questions, and to just be an older mentor for writers of all ages.

Since this is an all girls camp, there is no need to worry about inappropriate relationships between guys and girls. We also have a statement of faith and a simple set of rules we ask each camper to agree to.

Camps run for the full months of March, July, and November. Registration begins June 18th, and the camp gates will open on June 28th.
Applications for this camp will open on June 18th. To apply, fill out this form.

If you have any questions, reach out to me in the comments! This camp is a great way to meet other Christian writers and keep chipping away at your writing projects.

How many of you all are planning to come to camp? 🙂

4 thoughts on “Need Some Writing Motivation?

    • It’s a great way to meet other authors. 🙂 Would love to see you on there!

      Things do get a bit chaotic on some of the Slack channels, I will warn you, but you can always mute those and stick to the ones with sprints, etc. 🙂

      Hope to see you there! 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

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