Life and Writing Updates! (The Negligent Author Hath Returned … For Now)

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Happy summer, my friends! When I last popped onto the blog, it was March – and I recall mentioning in a post before then that I was planning to be blogging more. You can see how well that turned out. 😊

Nonetheless, I have returned and hope to be more active during the summer months. Lord willing, there are some exciting writerly things coming up – more on that later!

Life Updates

All thanks to the Lord, I finished my first full year of teaching in May. I could write many blog posts about my experiences and everything I learned, but suffice to say, the Lord uses trials and blessings to sanctify. I’m thankful for the sanctifying and preserving power of our God!

School starts again in August, but prep begins earlier—all of which means I get to see my students in the near future and my summer isn’t as long as it was in college. Which brings me to my next point!

Writing Updates

Last year, I determined in my heart to edit and publish the 4th book of my Grace Sufficient series. Obviously, that did not come to pass—last summer was a huge time of burnout for me after graduating college and finishing up student teaching. Editing was nigh to impossible, but after a couple of months of struggling, the Lord graciously allowed me to be able to write a good deal. (That project is sitting at 70Kish, and the first draft probably won’t be finished until next year, haha!) Regardless, it was fun to write and explore a different time period. (Though it wasn’t a different location than my usual …)

Fastfoward into this year, and I was honored to be a part of The Black Rose Collection. Since the entire collection is a fantasy, I was pushed out of my comfort zone a bit as I explored worldbuilding and indulged my attempt at more poetic prose. You can read more about A Life’s Cost here!

Now we have reached this summer … and I prayerfully planned to begin edits on Unforgiven (Grace Sufficient, #4) again. I was definitely bummed on how last year’s attempt turned out, but I am so thankful that I didn’t publish it last year. I was not—and still don’t feel—ready to address the topics in this book, but God has taught me things this year that I did not grasp last year. His timing and His Ways are always perfect, even when they don’t make sense.

“And he said unto me, My grace is sufficient for thee: for my strength is made perfect in weakness. Most gladly therefore will I rather glory in my infirmities, that the power of Christ may rest upon me.”

2 Corinthians 12:9

So all of that to say … Lord willing, Unforgiven will be released this summer. Editing is bouncing along by God’s grace, but it’s still difficult—especially when foolish me attempts to do any of it in my own strength. Seems I would’ve learned that way doesn’t work by now, hmm?

Blurb, cover, and all of that exciting stuff is still in the works, but watch this space for more information. I am excited to get to share this story with you—and I pray it shows you the most important Truth of all.

How is your summer going? Are you planning to work/complete any big projects? Let me know in the comments!

8 thoughts on “Life and Writing Updates! (The Negligent Author Hath Returned … For Now)

  1. Congrats on finishing college/student teaching!!! I was an elementary Ed major and that was a very hard season—I remember it well!! I am really looking forward to book #4 at the right time for you❤️ the others were exceptional and really touched my heart! Hope your day is a wonderful one.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Aw, Anna, thank you so much for your sweet comments! Honestly, readers like you are such encouragements to keep trucking onward when the editing gets hard. 🙂 But yes, education is such a difficult yet rewarding field to work in. I can’t imagine teaching elementary school – I have so much respect for y’all!

      Thanks again, dear sister!


  2. Oh my goodness, I’m so excited for Unforgiven!! ❤ Haha, as I wait for its release, I’ll have a good excuse to reread the earlier books in the series XD

    And congratulations on finishing your first full year of teaching!!! 🥳️🥳️ That’s an amazing accomplishment!!

    Liked by 1 person

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